
Sherry CameronHi I'm Sherry Cameron. I'm a lover of all things challenging. I love to sing and run, but most of all I love to help make others live a happier life. My mission is to help women transform challenging situations into a healthy lifestyle so that they can reach their weight loss goals and live a spiritually balanced life. I believe that life should be a positive experience, as opposed to living with a negative focus on self-hate, shame, blame or victimhood. We are given one life and it's our choice to rise up or not.

My personal journey was not always easy. Seven years ago I found myself at the bottom. I was literally broken and unrecognizable to myself. I was in unhealthy marriage, was 30 pounds over weight with serious digestive issues, and found myself trying to please everyone. I lived through a divorce, the loss of my mother, losing a job that I loved, and many other of life's twist and turns which I now see as gifts in disguise that taught me how to love and accept myself on a deeper level and use my pain in order to heal.
I'm happy to say that I'm now at a place in my life where I have peace and joy that surpasses all understanding ..but this was not something that I knew how to attain on my own. I sought out help and went on a journey of learning and healing. 

Beyond my life experience I always joke and say that I am also a "Career Student". I love to learn. I am a nurse practitioner, a Certified Transformational Coach on the Mastery Level, a Certified Wellness Coach,  and a Certified Yoga Instructor.
I teach other women how to lay a solid foundation of body, mind, and spirit, to reconnect to themselves, and re-align with their truth. I'm good meeting my clients where they are helping them to gain new insights and simplify things that they have been making overly complicated.

My clients tell me that I am a supportive and encouraging, fun to be around and that I'm easy to connect with. I'd love to invite to a 30 min Breakthrough Session with me to discuss your goals, your challenges, and the vision you have for your health and your life.

CLICK HERE to read about my approach.

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